Tuesday, February 19, 2008

From tadpole to baby...this one's a cutie!!

Sorry for the week delay in posting our new ultrasound pics. We went to the doctor last Tuesday (Feb. 12th) and had a wonderful ultrasound. The baby's heart beat was 165bpm (120-180 is the ideal range) and the baby was about 37mm long from head to rump. The most amazing part about this ultrasound was seeing our baby move for the first time. He/She kicked and punched and was very active. It stills seems surreal, but this ultrasound definitely brought the pregnancy into the scope of reality!! The fertility doc said all looked wonderful, and she released Jennifer to start seeing her regular ob doc.

Jennifer went yesterday for her first visit to the ob doc, and she heard the heartbeat for the very first time!!! It sounded something like this.....
swosh, swosh, swosh, swosh, swosh, swosh (about 165 times a minute). Sorry, that's the best we could do!! You kinda have to use your imagination. Everything went super at this appointment also, and Jennifer is very excited about this new ob doctor (Dr. Jonna Miller). Jennifer will be delivering at The Women's Hospital of Texas, located in the medical center in Houston.

Ok, now for the new pics of our handsome Baby Fort:

1 comment:

Laura, TJ, & Haley White said...

Congratulations Jon & Jenny!!! this is going to be so much fun :) in an earlier post you said you're pretty nauseated. my dr. actually told me that morning sickness is a good sign that the baby is well-attached to the uterus! so yay! sort of. i feel you though - i couldn't keep a thing down for the 1st six months. we're happy for yall & excited to keep reading about baby Fort!