Monday, March 24, 2008


So not much has happened since our last post. We are awaiting our appointment and ultrasound so we can know the sex of the baby!! This appointment is on April 7th, and we are SOO excited to know :) Jennifer no longer has her "all day" sickness and she is starting to "show"! Hannah is growing and learning so much, and she understands that there is a baby in mommy's belly. Actually, she thinks that everyone has a baby in their belly. We are working on this one!! We welcome any ideas on ways to prepare Hannah for the arrival of the baby.

On another note, We are very excited to have a getaway before the new baby comes. We will be going to Paris, Belgium, and the Netherlands for about 2 weeks (leaving April 8th). We are most certain that this may be our last vacation of this kind for a long time :)

Well, we will keep you updated as the belly grows and the baby gets ready to pop its head out to the world.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Could it be????

Could it really be two days in a row that Jennifer has not awaken nausiated!???? She is very excited at the possibility that her morning sickness (aka ALL day sickness) is potentially OVER!!! We'll see how these next few days go, but it is looking very good!

Our next doc appointment is on March 11th (our 15 week checkup!), and then we will have an ultrasound at 18 weeks to determine the sex of the baby! We can't wait to find out if our baby fort is a he or a she!

We'll post more info after our appointment on Tuesday.

Love to all!!